Задавати питання
As an outsider to the language, you already know how you relate to thinks you want to know. In Ukrainian, here are some base starter examples of questions commonly needed. But think less of this as “phrase book” work than understanding how those avenues move for the language. Who do you need to know about? What is it you want to know? When do you need to be there? Where will you arrive? How do you intend to get there? Why do you need to do this? Which will be more important? How much will it cost?
Basic Question Words:
- Що? (Shcho?) – What?
- Хто? (Khto?) – Who?
- Де? (De?) – Where?
- Коли? (Koly?) – When?
- Чому? (Chomu?) – Why?
- Як? (Yak?) – How?
- Який/яка/яке/які? (Yaky/yaka/yake/yaki?) – Which? / What kind of?
- Скільки? (Skilʹky?) – How much? / How many?
- Що це? (Shcho tse?) – What is this?
- Хто це? (Khto tse?) – Who is this?
- Де ти? (De ty?) – Where are you?
- Коли ти прийдеш? (Koly ty pryydesh?) – When will you come?
- Чому ти це зробив/зробила? (Chomu ty tse zrobyv/zrobyla?) – Why did you do this?
- Як ти це зробив/зробила? (Yak ty tse zrobyv/zrobyla?) – How did you do this?
- Який твій улюблений колір? (Yaky tviy ulyublenyy kolir?) – What is your favorite color?
- Скільки це коштує? (Skilʹky tse koshtuye?) – How much does this cost?
More Complex Questions:
- Що ти думаєш про це? (Shcho ty dumayesh pro tse?) – What do you think about this?
- Хто це сказав? (Khto tse skazav?) – Who said this?
- Де знаходиться лікарня? (De znakhodytsya likarnya?) – Where is the hospital?
- Коли починається урок? (Koly pochynayetʹsya urok?) – When does the lesson start?
- Чому це важливо? (Chomu tse vazhlyvo?) – Why is this important?