Ukrainian prepositions (прийменники) are functional words used to connect nouns, pronouns, or phrases to other words, indicating relationships like direction, location, time, cause, manner, and more. They are not declined and typically combine with a specific grammatical case. Here’s a breakdown of the types of Ukrainian prepositions based on different criteria:

1. By Case Governing:

Prepositions in Ukrainian are grouped based on the grammatical cases they govern:

  • Genitive (Родовий): e.g., біля (“near”), без (“without”), до (“to”).
  • Dative (Давальний): e.g., завдяки (“thanks to”), назустріч (“toward”).
  • Accusative (Знахідний): e.g., в (“into”), на (“onto”), через (“through”).
  • Instrumental (Орудний): e.g., з (“with”), над (“above”), між (“between”).
  • Locative (Місцевий): e.g., на (“on”), у (“in”).
  • Multiple Cases: Some prepositions can govern more than one case depending on the meaning. For example:
    • за governs the accusative (indicating purpose, e.g., за книгу – “for the book”) or instrumental (indicating location, e.g., за столом – “behind the table”).

2. By Origin:

  • Primary Prepositions (Первинні): Original, non-derived prepositions. They are simple and fundamental. Examples:
    • в/у (“in”), на (“on”), з/із (“from/with”), до (“to”).
  • Derived Prepositions (Похідні): Prepositions derived from other parts of speech (nouns, adverbs, or participles). Examples:
    • завдяки (“thanks to,” from завдяки – “gratitude”), під час (“during,” from час – “time”).

3. By Structure:

  • Simple (Прості): Consist of a single word. Examples:
    • в (“in”), на (“on”), до (“to”), з (“from”).
  • Compound (Складні): Formed by combining two or more words. Examples:
    • під час (“during”), з-під (“from under”), по-за (“beyond”).
  • Complex (Складені): Prepositions that include a phrase. Examples:
    • незважаючи на (“despite”), з огляду на (“in view of”).

4. By Meaning (Semantic Groups):

  • Prepositions of Place/Direction (Місця/Напрямку):
    • в/у (“in”), на (“on”), під (“under”), над (“above”), між (“between”), до (“to”), з/із (“from”).
  • Prepositions of Time (Часу):
    • після (“after”), перед (“before”), протягом (“during”), у (“in”), до (“by”).
  • Prepositions of Cause/Reason (Причини):
    • через (“because of”), завдяки (“thanks to”), внаслідок (“as a result of”), з огляду на (“due to”).
  • Prepositions of Manner/Means (Способу/Засобу):
    • з (“with”), за допомогою (“with the help of”), під (“under”).
  • Prepositions of Purpose (Мети):
    • для (“for”), задля (“for the sake of”), на (“for”).
  • Prepositions of Comparison/Concession (Порівняння/Умови):
    • як (“as”), незважаючи на (“despite”).

5. By Use in Fixed Expressions:

Some prepositions are common in idiomatic expressions or fixed phrases. For example:

  • у зв’язку з (“in connection with”),
  • в межах (“within the limits of”),
  • на відміну від (“unlike”).

Prepositions are indispensable for forming coherent and meaningful sentences in Ukrainian. If you’d like to explore examples, specific usage, or prepositional phrases in more depth, let me know!